Physical Effects

Approximately 42% of women and 20% of men experience minor injuries such as scratches, bruises, and swelling.  More severe injury may be inflicted if the abuse occurs frequently and is more brutal.  Some of the most common injuries are:
  1. Bruises, cuts, lesions
  2. Broken bones
  3. Gynecological injuries
Psychological Effects
Emotional abuse often follows hand in hand with physical abuse.  All abuse has severe psychological impacts on victims such as:
  1. Depression and anxiety
  2. Suicidal behavior
  3. Low self-esteem
  4. Sleep disturbances
  5. Inability to concentrate
Social Effects

The social effects on a victim can be to blame for the victim's inability to escape the violence.

  1. Abusers often control a victim's access to services available to help victims.
  2. Abusers often monitor a victim's calls or internet activity.  The victim fears that if the abuser notices she has been looking for help, she will be punished.
  3. Victims are often isolated from family, friends, and other supportive people
  4. Changes in behavior at school ~ teachers and friends might notice a victim no longer participates in class, homework is not completed, personality has changed

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